An acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) is a hydroacoustic current meter similar to a sonar, used to measure water current velocities over a depth range
Near-real time data from models, satellites and in-situ, Benefit from a distributed infrastructure connected by an ultra high-speed backbone, and from the cloud-based hosted processing with tools.
Ocean Sciences and Techniques Academy focused on educating students, scientists, institutions and enterprises.
At Ocean Sciences and Techniques Co. we develop instrumentation and software designed to conduct and improve bathymetric, hydrographic, hydrodynamic, environmental, topographic and geotechnical surveys, to identify sensitive habitats, marine life and water quality monitoring. Also, our products are used in a wide array of groundwater, surface water, coastal, drinking water and wastewater applications.
Successfully Conducted
Instruments Installed
Happy Clients
Successful Project
Active Worker
Satisficed Clients
Thank you for the report. I am very impressed with your service and professionalism, I would happily recommend your services to anyone requiring a marine survey.
Many thanks for your detailed report and advice given regarding the blocked Ever Given in Suez Canal. Very helpful!
At Port Said, I am surrounded by Marine Surveyors, but you have just confirmed you are definitely the man for the job. Your prompt reply is an excellent indication.
Just wanted to thank you for your inspection of the eastern Suez Canal gate no.59, Will definitely recommend your services to others.
Just wanted to say that I really appreciate your work to get the report finished, and to complement you on how professional and thorough your surveys.
The service describes the current situation, forecasts the situation a few days ahead, and analyses consistently retrospective data records for recent years.
More.. ;The service is provided to all stakeholders either in rush mode, for emergency management activities which require immediate response and/or non-rush mode, to support emergency disaster management activities not related to immediate response, analysing pre-disaster risk assessment and population and asset vulnerability or post-disaster recovery and reconstruction.
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